

My blog where I post about tech stuff. Though it's mostly about AWS and Java.

Hey, I’m Timur

I’m a DevOps and Cloud enthusiast currently employed by DB Systel GmbH in Frankfurt.

Whatever the role, I’m focused on productivity, simplicity and getting software ready for production.

During my journey in the industry I keep on learning new stuff that I try to write down in this blog so that you don’t have to learn it the hard way.

Professional Summary

  • Experienced software engineer with entrepreneurial mindset and commitment to DevOps culture

  • Innovative developer with 5+ years of project experience in designing, developing and operating complex software solutions

  • Expert in building solutions based on cloud technologies

Technical skills

  • Programming: Java, TypeScript
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL / MariaDB, Oracle
  • Cloud: AWS, EC2, ECS / Fargate, Lambda, S3, Cloudfront, RDS, DynamoDB, Amazon Connect, Amazon MQ, SNS, SQS, CDK, CloudFormation
  • DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes/ OpenShift, Helm, Observability, Prometheus, Grafana, CI/CD, Gitlab-CI, IaC
  • Backend: Spring Boot, Java EE, Quarkus, Hibernate, RESTFul APIs, Messaging APIs
  • Architecture: High Availability, Horizontal Scaling, Microservice Architecture, Message Driven Architecture
  • Version control: Git, Github, Gitlab, SVN
  • Project management: Scrum, Confluence, Jira
  • OS: Linux, macOS, Windows

Work Experience

DB Systel GmbH

Since April 2020

DevOps Engineer

Working on projects for DB Fernverkehr. Among other things my team developed and operated an application for travellers disposition. The goal was to keep track on where the current travellers are and what trains they might use to reach their destination. Later on the application was expanded to reduce average trip duration for all travellers if train stops or whole train rides were canceled.


  • Designing and implementing complex requirements in a distributed microservice environment. (Backend)
  • Building new and enhancing existing CI/CD pipelines and deployment processes for easier and more reliable delivery.
  • Enhancing the systems architecture and monitoring to achieve high availability and fault tolerance for the applications running on kubernetes and AWS.
  • Performance optimizations by building automated load tests and improving horizontal scaling in message and REST based systems


Java, Spring Boot, Kubernetes (OpenShift), Docker, Helm, GitLab CI/CD, JFrog Artifactory, Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL), Amazon MQ (ActiveMQ), Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon CloudWatch, Prometheus, Grafana

Deutsche Bundesbank

October 2016 to April 2020

Software Engineer (Full Stack)

Working for the statistics department. My team built a reporting system for the euro short-term rate (€STR) and money market transaction data.


  • Designing an improved architecture with fault tolerance
  • Data modeling for new requirements
  • Building an encryption and signing component for the reporting data
  • Building a framework to detect non compliant reporting activity of the data provider


Java EE, Angular, Maven, JAX-WS, Hibernate, JSF, Jenkins, SVN, WebSphere Application Server, Eclipse, DB2, XML, XSD, SQL, SQL Server

Corporate Student - Software Engineering / IT Infrastructure

October 2013 to October 2016

Deutsche Bundesbank

During my degree i worked 18 months as a corporate student in various teams of the IT department ranging from Full Stack Software Engineering to Windows System Administration.



2013 - 2016

Bachelor of Science - Applied Computer Science

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mosbach

Last updated on Dec 01, 2021 00:00 UTC
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